Wednesday, December 17, 2008

It's the holidays... what more do you want?

I've been running around like crazy this last week. Mostly, I've been realizing how inappropriate a lot of gifts I have for my family are. With the limited cash flow issues I've had of late, I made a lot of things. However, I do not believe making things is a cheap way of doing things- but I think I can turn out a nicer product for the same money as a store would charge. For example, I made a scarf out of silk and wool for under $20, couldn't get a cheap polyester/acrylic one for that. But that's besides the point. It's really scary that I know one person in my family can expect to receive 3 scarves this year. And I made a scarf for somebody else and even though it's really pretty- I have a feeling it will never be worn.

I'm also getting mildly frustrated with a few aspects of life. This is a very terrible thing to be annoyed with- but my mother is not computer savvy. At all. Thus it has fallen on me to maintain the Etsy store, create our logo, contact local craft guilds and everything else. Usually, it doesn't bother me. Today I was just kinda mad at the world- everybody has those days. I'm also mad that we went to a wonderful yarn shop a week ago and she bought yarn for me to knit into a sweater for her. I did the math wrong and she didn't buy enough. the scary part about this is that the yarn shop is going out of business. We're going back tomorrow and praying that there is more- she only needs another 2 skeins (3 would make me feel safer though). And my partner was sent completely across the country to LA for a week on business, then is spending Christmas in Denver and I won't see him til the 28th, longest we'll have gone without seeing each other.

So with him gone, you'd think I'd be really uber-productive. I suppose I have been to an extent. I've almost finished another pair of socks for me :) after I had finished a pair of slipper socks I had been commisioned to make. I only have one more present left to knit up- I've been dragging me feet with it because I had a hard time starting it... I better get going!

Anyways... I just washed the last scarf I had woven to put up on Etsy, along with one I had woven for myself and one that I helped my sister weave for a present. Now the loom holds a scarf for my sister. It's the last one I have yarn for until I get new heddles (Christmas is next week *crosses fingers*!). I had a few requests for non-wool scarves though- and have my eye on this faux suede that's wonderfully fat. I think it would be really interesting...

I'll be posting a bunch of gift pix after the holidays. But now it's time to sleep- and fuss with the Etsy page some more :)

1 comment:

Kristi said...

This is Kristi...Sacha is my blogging and Ravelry name. Long story. :)

Making things yourself to give to others is NOT a cheap way out. OK, it might be easier on the wallet, but you handmade it and therefore it's very special. I much prefer making things to give if I can help it.

You're knitting socks and weaving scaves...I'm so excited/proud/happy for you. :) I wish we still lived in Maryland so we could knit-kwak together.

As for the two extra skeins you need for that sweater, if you can't them you can try asking for the yarn and specific dyelot on the ISO and Destashing group on Ravelry. Maybe someone has them. Or, you can order them online and ask the store if you can request a specific dyelot. I am assuming your yarn has a dyelot. If not, it doesn't matter.