Thursday, February 5, 2009


So I haven't posted much this past month. I don't think a lot has happened.

I made a few more pairs of socks. That's always a good thing. I had bought enough of a particular yarn to make 3 pairs, 2 are presents for people. I only bought for me because I saw that this yarn is supposed to be hand-wash only. Well forget that! I'm not hand-washing socks- more importantly- I'm not gifting hand-wash socks. So we'll see what happens to them, I just wore them yesterday and laundry will happen later this week.

Nothing new on the job front. I'm becoming a bit more proactive and at the same time a bit more discouraged. I'm looking for anything that will give me benefits right now. Even things as far from what I love as being a banking teller. But whatever pays the bills right?

Nothing new on the boy front either. I must be super-hormonal because last night I was just so mad at him. I mean really, truly angry. For absolutely no reason. He was teasing a bit, but not in a mean way or anything. Then I got mad at myself and just ignored him as much as possible. I hate it when I get in moods like that. The best thing I can do is just keep my mouth shut. I'm not sure I even managed that so well... I have a tendency to get loud when I'm upset or needing attention (like last night). We went to play trivia with a few friends I haven't seen in a while. I'm sure that was part of it too, I hadn't seen them in what feels like a month and was hungry for their attention.

Anyways, I'm not sure what to get into today. I know I need to work on the wrap that's still on the loom almost a month later... Maybe that'll be the agenda for today. I managed to get about 12" done yesterday before I lost the light- today's brighter... I think that's what I'll do :)

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